Monday, June 11, 2007

Thoughts Back Home

It is almost nine years now since I started working overseas. And from the moment I received my first cheque I have been conscientiously sending some of my hard earned money to my family. It feels good every time I get a response from my love ones, somewhat I am a hero at home. I’ve been hearing stories from other OFW who tried their best in helping relatives back in the Philippines. Most of them were doing this noble acts for many years now and don’t expect anything back but, just a hope that someday the beneficiaries will become self-sufficient.

It seems that there is a never ending financial crisis to our relatives at home. There are plenty of nephews, nieces and grandchildren that wanted to attend colleges. There are siblings asking for assistance so they can afford to send their family members overseas for jobs. There are some who asked for money to maintain their lifestyle or just to show off and boast to their neighbors.

There are too many similar stories of relatives we helped start their businesses. Some presented really good business plans and the potential of good returns. It may not be a new idea but a copy of those who were successful. They made it sound so good that most of us were convinced and bought their plans. We did not bother to check their experience or ability to run such business.

Somehow we took money from our savings or got loans to help finance these investments. In some cases they bought some land to be planted with rice or various fruit trees. Other times it can be fish farms or poultry. Most often it will be a venture in the transportation business. It may involve buying a jeepney, a mini van, or even a tricycle so they could make some money right away but, who’s driving? What about the maintenance or minor repairs? Did you expect the Boss to do all that? It may have worked fine for a year or two but later it was a source of headaches for the rich financiers overseas. Nothing was saved for maintenance and eventually the vehicles were sold to pay for their accumulated debts.

Some of us bought land for our relatives but, we forgot one thing. They don’t want to be farmers anymore but, to be managers or business owners. They can’t even grow their own vegetables. They would rather buy some at SM City with your money. The rich soil in their yard may be suited for any plant but why bother when relatives from abroad send them money regularly. All they have to do is call or send text messages on their latest model cellular phones purchased with your money.

Fortunately, their will be a few relatives who cared about your hard earned money. They tried their best make your efforts worthwhile and made you proud. Their kids earned college degrees and landed decent jobs. Some became successful business persons. They were self-sufficient and even helped other relatives break the cycle of poverty. Helping other people is a very gracious deed but are we doing it the right way? Do you feel guilty enjoying a superior life here so you keep sending them handouts? Have you changed their lives for the better or turned them into a lifetime dependents? Maybe we can teach them how to fish instead of just giving them the fish. What would you do?

Thank you Bobot for such enlightening facts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow....this is so true....I cant beleive nobody had replied to many could save alot of heartacke and trouble if they were to do their due diligence and ask questions about investments in the family business etc....

Great should write this in the Vancouver Sun!!

Brock MacLean