Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Things we can do to Look Younger!

Celebrity makeup artist Peter Lamas (who has made Sharon Stone, Cindy Crawford, Kate Winslet and other superstars more gorgeous!) reveals the beauty rules your favorites follow to look forever young – and how you can make them work for yourself!

1) Try the anti-aging masks celebs love – Stars know that moisture keeps skin glowing and fends off fine lines beautifully. Lamas recommends this weekly ultra hydrating mask to his clients: combine a chopped, whole cucumber, a spoonful of mayonnaise and a teaspoon of olive oil in the blender. Blend until smooth, then apply to clean face. Leave on for 30 minutes.

2) Go incognito – They don’t just wear them to slip by fans; celebrities also sport hats to protect skin from the sun and keep it youthful. “Sunscreen is also a must”, says Lama. “Slather it on your face, neck and hands whenever you go out.” Tip: for everyday use, use just an SPF 15-25 lotion on your face (anything higher can clog spores).

3) Highlight this top wrinkle zone – “The first signs of aging usually surface between the nostrils and the corner of the mouth,” notes Lamas. Smart celebrities use a sweep of white highlighter to erase wrinkles and lines here in seconds! “Apply a pale concealer first, then brush on your highlighter to brighten the whole area,” says Lamas.

4) Trim your hair younger – “Dry, split ends can look dull and drying and can age anyone,” says Lamas. A regular trim (every 2-3 months) holds the shape of your style and “snips off” the years.

5) Switch to creamy formulas – Powder shadows, brushes and other cosmetics are drying and can sit in creases and draw attention to mature skin. Opt for creamier formulations to smooth away the years!!!

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