Friday, September 08, 2006

Reduce your stress:

We all have stress, right, but slowing down can make all the difference. How can you reduce your stress level? Its Friday and it should be slowing down.
Let's try the ff:

Stretching – even a few minutes of it releases muscle tension, says Arlene Brown, M.D. of American Academy of Family Physicians.

Drinking herbal tea – research shows that peppermint tea calms our nerves, leaving us feeling relaxed.

Trying herbal supplement – studies say valerian is a great stress reliever. What about the amazing anti stress powers of ginseng supplement? Countless studies have found combining both types American (Panax) and Siberian, effective at soothing the nervous system.

Taking a deep breath – the extra oxygen will relieve some of our body’s stress

Saying a little prayer – it is good for spiritual health

Listen to music – play that soothing sound to block away the buzz noise

Get an aquarium – sales of tropical fish have soared more than 25% in the past three years and with good reason. More people are discovering that watching fish glide through water lowers blood pressure and induces a wave of calm. Have you ever wonder why so many dentists and doctors place aquariums in their waiting rooms? They have read the research proving it calms down anxiety ridden patients. Scientists, in fact, now know that people who gaze at fish in a tank for just 15 minutes rate themselves 40% less stressed than they do before they watch the fish. Serene, low maintenance tropical fish are the perfect antidote to rat raced harried living. A single goldfish in a bowl will produce the same effect.

Cheese on crackers – if you crave for chocolates during those stress time it is because stress causes your body to pump out the hormone cortisol and research reveals that’s the body’s way of telling you it needs additional glucose or sugar. But other foods will satisfy your body’s demand for glucose without adding more pounds to your belly. Try cheese and crackers, baby carrots and low fat dip or apple slices sprinkled with cinnamon. Any of those will help stabilize blood sugar levels and calm stress.

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